🌹 红碧玺|Rubellite
对应海底轮|Root Chakra
✦ 提升安全感,感受到对生活的掌控感
Enhance sense of security and feel in control of life
✦ 感受到生命的正向能量,积极面对挑战
Feel the positive energy of life and face challenges positively
✦ 肯定自我,创造自己的价值感
Affirm yourself and create your own sense of value
🍀 绿/粉碧玺|Verdelite/Pink Tourmaline
对应心轮|Heart Chakra
✦ 敞开心扉,包容与同理他人,接纳自己
Open your heart, tolerate and empathize with others, and accept yourself
✦ 感受爱的能力、表达爱
Feel the ability to love and express love
✦ 帮助人际关系
Help interpersonal relationships
🐳 蓝碧玺|Indicolite
对应喉轮、眉心轮|Throat, Third Eye Chakra
✦ 帮助沟通和表达能力
Improves Communication/Expression Skills
✦ 顺畅的沟通能力能增进人际,进而提升自信心与勇气
Smooth communication skills can enhance interpersonal relationships and thus increase self-confidence and courage
✦ 平缓情绪
Calms Emotions
✦ 提升精神与心灵,增强觉察力
Enhance the spirit and mind, enhance self-awareness
✦ 提升专注力,帮助冷静与理性思考,整理混乱的思绪
Improve concentration, help calm and rational thinking, sort out chaotic thoughts
✦ 引领人认清与面对自我课题,找到生命的方向
Lead people to recognize and face their own problems and find the direction of life
材质」Material:14k 镀金|14k Gold Plated
珠子 | Beads: 4.5mm
手围|Size: 可调节|Adjustable