🌊 蓝绿紫萤石|Fluorite
对应心轮、喉轮和顶轮|Heart, Throat & Crown Chakra
✦ 平静内心、帮助沟通和表达能力
Calm the mind, help communication and expression skills
✦ 缓解压力,舒缓情绪,平衡身体心灵
Relieve stress, soothe emotions, balance body and mind
✦ 整理思绪,找到自己的人生方向
Sort out your thoughts and find your own direction in life
✦ 提升沟通与表达能力,进而提升人际关系
Improve communication and expression skills, thereby improving interpersonal relationships
✦ 提升思维的灵活性、创意思考与灵感
Improve the flexibility of thinking, creative thinking and inspiration