对应脐轮、喉轮、眉心轮|Solar Plexus, Throat, Third Eye Chakra
✦ 帮助沟通与表达能力更流畅,改善人际关系
Help communication and expression skills to be smoother, improve interpersonal relationships
✦ 提升逻辑思考能力、洞察力、创意灵感
Improve logical thinking ability, insight, creative inspiration
✦ 稳定情绪,让内心回归平静
Stabilize emotions and return to peace of mind
蓝纹玛瑙|Blue Lace Agate
对应喉轮|Throat Chakra
✦ 帮助沟通和表达能力,在人际上找到平衡点
Helps with communication and expression skills, and finding a balance in relationships
✦ 安抚情绪,调整能量
Calms emotions and adjusts energy
对应眉心轮、顶轮|Third Eye, Crown Chakra
✦ 稳定情绪,缓解焦虑,尤其失眠和多梦
Stabilize emotions, relieve anxiety, especially insomnia and dreaminess
✦ 提升独立思考与智慧,帮助你转化所需能量去面对挑战
Enhance independent thinking and wisdom, helping you transform the energy you need to face challenges
✦ 疗愈自己更开放地去接受和放下,更活在当下
Heal yourself and be more open to accept and let go, live more in the present
材质 | Material: 美国14k注金/S925银|14k Gold Filled/S925
珠子 | Beads: 4-6mm
总长度 | Total Length: 可调节 | Adjustable