🌈 欧珀|Opal
对应脐轮、心轮、顶轮|Solar Plexus, Heart, Crown Chakra
✦ 帮助我们认清自己的能力,开发自己的潜能,找到自己的方向
Help us recognize our abilities, develop our potential, and find our direction
✦ 平复情绪,带来稳定的心性
Calm emotions and bring a stable mind
✦ 敞开心扉,包容性,因而吸引人缘
Open your heart, be inclusive, and thus attract popularity
✦ 重整自己的能量,透过自省更认识自己
Reorganize your energy and get to know yourself better through introspection
彩霞|Rosy Clouds
Opal, also known as opal, refracts colorful colors through light. The color changes can be observed from different angles, which also symbolizes the different development potentials in life.
款式 | A, B, D |