❄️ 蓝磷灰|Apatite
对应喉轮|Throat Chakra
✦ 表达想法、沟通、清晰思考、助人际
Express ideas, communicate, think clearly, help interpersonal relationships
🍀 橄榄石|Peridot
对应太阳轮、心轮|Solar Plexus, Heart Chakra
✦ 宽恕、接纳他人、感受爱与付出、助人际、事业运
Forgive, accept others, feel love and give, help interpersonal relationships, career luck
🔮 紫水晶|Amethyst
对应眉心轮、顶轮|Third Eye, Crown Chakra
✦ 提升专注力、创意、灵感、思考能力、舒缓情绪、助人际
Improve concentration, creativity, inspiration, thinking ability, relieve emotions, help interpersonal relationships
🌸 粉碧玺|Pink Tourmaline
对应心轮|Heart Chakra
✦ 疗癒情感创伤、接纳和爱自己、助人际
Heal emotional trauma, accept and love yourself, help interpersonal relationships
材质 | Material: 弹力绳 | Elastic Rope
珠子 | Beads: 2mm