和田玉|Nephrite Jade
对应心轮|Heart Chakra
✦ 带来稳定而舒适的能量频率,帮助平衡脉轮能量
Brings stable and comfortable energy frequency to help balance chakra energy
✦ 稳定情绪,让人更有勇气去面对挑战
Stabilize emotions and make people more courageous to face challenges
对应心轮|Heart Chakra
✦ 疗愈内心,放下焦虑,拥抱自己的不完美
Heal your heart, let go of anxiety, and embrace your imperfections
✦ 稳定心绪,正面积极的思维,找到前进的方向和希望
Stabilize your mood, think positively, find direction and hope
✦ 提升事业运、财运
Improve career and financial luck
材质 | Material: 14k镀金 | 14k Gold Plated
珠子 | Beads: 5.5-6mm
手围|Size: 可调节|Adjustable