🪶黑发晶|Black Rutilated
对应海底轮|Root Chakra
✦ 消除负能量,稳定情绪与身心
Eliminate negative energy, stabilize emotions and body and mind
✦ 帮助提升决断力和领导能力,让人更专注与果断
Help improve decision-making and leadership skills, making people more focused and decisive
🔹蓝发晶|Blue Rutilated
对应喉轮|Throat Chakra
✦ 提升沟通与表达能力,能帮助人际关系,增加自信心
Improve communication and expression skills, helping interpersonal relationships and self-confidence
▪️茶晶|Smoky Quartz
对应海底轮|Root Chakra
✦ 帮助稳定人心和情绪,冷静地面对问题,带来坚定的心,让能量更稳定
Helps stabilize people‘s hearts and emotions, calmly face problems, bring a firm heart, and make energy more stable
☁️ 白托帕石|White Topaz
对应太阳轮、喉轮、顶轮|Sacral, Throat, Crown Chakra
✦ 提升沟通与表达能力,能帮助人际关系,增加自信心
Improve communication and expression skills, helping interpersonal relationships and self-confidence
✦ 缓和紧张情绪,稳定情绪,以正面的心态重新面对生命中的挑战
Relieve tension, stabilize emotions, and face challenges in life with a positive attitude
材质 | Material: 14k镀金|14k Gold Plated
珠子 | Beads: 4-7.4mm
总长度 | Total Length: 45cm 可调节 | Adjustable